Wrap image behind text word
Wrap image behind text word

Word displays a list of wrapping methods you can choose.

  • In the Arrange group, click the Text Wrapping tool (Word 2007 or Word 2010) or Wrap Text tool (Word 2013 or a later version).
  • wrap image behind text word

    If you are using any other kind of image, perhaps one you inserted from a graphics file, then the process is different:

  • Choose Send Behind Text from the submenu.
  • By default, Word inserts (see examples below): Pictures (images and photos), charts in line with the text.
  • In the Arrange group, click the down-arrow next to the Send to Back tool (Word 2007 or Word 2010) or the down-arrow next to Send Backward tool (Word 2013 or a later version). So, using the same Wrap Text features can be used for images, ClipArt objects, charts, text boxes, diagrams, and SmartArt objects.
  • wrap image behind text word

  • Make sure the Format tab of the ribbon is displayed.
  • If you are working with an image you created by using the Shapes tool on the Insert tab of the ribbon, you can follow these steps: Exactly how you do this depends on the type of images with which you are working. Many times you may want to place the images behind the text. The word wrapping options are: In Line with Text, Square, Tight, Through, Top and Bottom, Behind Text, and In Front of Text. In our example, well select In Front of Text so we can freely move it without affecting the text. To configure the word wrapping settings, right-click an image, select Wrap Text, then select a wrapping option. Then select the desired text wrapping option. On the Format tab, click the Wrap Text command in the Arrange group. The Format tab will appear on the right side of the Ribbon.

    wrap image behind text word

    Word allows you to place all sorts of graphic images in your documents. Select the image you want to wrap text around.

    Wrap image behind text word